SQE1 and SQE2 Practice Assessments
Our expert SQE prep tutors have crafted comprehensive SQE1 practice mock assessments for FLK1 and FLK2. If you’re ready to test your skills under timed conditions, contact us to take one or both assessments. Each assessment is 150 minutes long and features 90 practice questions tailored specifically to FLK1 or FLK2. Instant results are provided upon completion. We also offer customized mock assessments designed to closely replicate the format and rigor of SQE2. Get in touch today to consult with our experts. If you’d like to try our free sample assessment, please contact us to receive the password. For those timing themselves, the sample includes 30 questions (15 FLK1 and 15 FLK2), and we recommend completing it within 51 minutes or less.