SQE Law Tutors for SQE 1 and SQE 2

The SQE Examination

Our world class SQE tutors impart training for SQE candidates planning to sit the SQE 1 and SQE 2. We provide one to one tuition to ensure that you are in the best possible position to pass the SQE. Our tutors are carefully selected from across the legal profession. Many of them are established solicitors, barristers and academics. Moreover, we also have professional law tutors that have first hand experience of the SQE examinations, having passed both the SQE 1 and SQE 2 in the top quintile, and are therefore perfectly placed to guide you through the SQE.

London Law Tutor offers a unique one to one experience for their students. Tutors are carefully paired with students to cater to their individual needs. This results in a focused and bespoke service where tutors are able to identify their students strengths and weakness and adapt their tutoring to accommodate these needs. In addition to this, the first hand legal experience of our tutors means they are well placed to help their students navigate the complexity of these exams and devise appropriate and effective exam technique. This considered and focused approach makes London Law Tutor a perfect choice if you are looking to take the SQE exams. Our bespoke approach is tailored to your precise situation, whether you come from a common law or civil law background, we craft our SQE Prep courses based on your legal knowledge, work experience and background. Get in touch with our SQE consultants today to discuss your ambitions and how our global team can help empower your journey towards qualifying as a Solicitor in England and Wales.

About the SQE

Before undertaking the SQE you must have a bachelor’s degree, this does not have to be in law. However, if you do have a law degree you can proceed straight to the SQE. If you do not have a law degree you must either undertake the PGDL or other equivalent qualification before proceeding to the SQE. The SQE is split into two parts, SQE 1 and SQE 2. You cannot take the SQE 2 until you have passed the SQE 1.


SQE 1 is a multiple choice exam that takes place over two days. On each day candidates will take 180 single best answer (multiple choice) questions. On each day the exam lasts approximately five hours with a one hour lunch break in the middle. The SQE 1 tests candidates on their knowledge of the Functioning Legal Knowledge. Day 1 tests FLK 1 (Functioning Legal Knowledge 1) and Day 2 tests FLK 2 (Functioning Legal Knowledge 2).


Business Law and Practice

Contract Law

Dispute Resolution

Tort Law

The Legal System of England and Wales

Public Law

Legal Services


Property Law and Practice

Land Law

Probate Law and Practice


Criminal Law and Practice

Criminal Law

Solicitors Accounts

Ethics and Professional Conduct is also assessed. This subject is pervasive, meaning it is tested across all the subjects and examinations.

There are two sittings per year for SQE 1, one in January and one in July and candidates have up to three attempts to pass the exam within a six year period. For dates and costings please see the SRA website.


SQE 2 is a much more practical exam. 50% of the SQE 2 is assessed on legal knowledge and 50% is assessed on skills. SQE 2 takes place over five days. Three days of written exams and two days of oral exams. The same subjects are tested as for the SQE, with the exception of Solicitors Accounts, The legal System of England and Wales and Public law. As in SQE 1 Ethics and Professional Conduct will be pervasive throughout all the exams.

There are four sittings per year for the SQE 2: January, April, July and October. For dates and costings please see the SRA website.

Oral examinations

There will be two days of oral exams. On both days there will be two exams, one Advocacy exam and one Interviewing exam. One of the advocacy exams will assess Dispute resolution (inclusive of Contract Law and Tort Law), the other advocacy exam will assess Criminal Litigation. One of the interviewing exams will assess Property Practice (inclusive of Land Law) the other interviewing exam will assess Probate practice (inclusive of Trust Law).

Written examinations

There will be three days of written exams. Each day there will be four exams: Case and Matter Analysis, Legal Drafting, Legal Research and Legal Writing. Day one will assess Dispute Resolution (inclusive of Contract Law and Tort Law) and Criminal Litigation. Day two will assess Property Practice (inclusive of Land Law) and Probate law (inclusive of Trust Law). Day three will assess Business Law and Practice (inclusive of Contract Law and Tort Law).

After the exams

Alongside passing both SQE 1 and SQE 2 each candidate must undertake two years of qualifying work experience (QWE) before they can qualify as a solicitor. This can be undertaken before, during or after the SQE. Qualifying work experience must give the candidate the opportunity to perform more than one of the Solicitor Competencies, as set out by the SRA: SRA | Statement of solicitor competence | Solicitors Regulation Authority. There is no hard and fast rule as to what constitutes QWE so individuals are advised to discuss QWE with their employer before starting work. Once these two years have been completed you must pass the SRA’s assessment of character and suitability. Once all these steps have been completed you are then fully qualified and can be admitted onto the Roll of Solicitors.

To get started on this exciting process get in touch with our brilliant team.

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